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We've found a lot of places that have the music from DLM, plus we have information about the different songs you'll hear while the show airs.

Metisse - Boom Boom Ba: Song that was used after Betty jumped off the "Cliffs of Dover" and in every episode after that. Contains the lyrics "Can you hear my heart beating". It can be downloaded at

Pink Martini - Que Sera Sera: Played at the end of the pilot where the little girl whose soul George popped goes to the "Carnival"

Squirrel Nut Zippers - Hell: The song that they played in the bank in the pilot episode, also, the song in the background when they show previews for the next DLM. It starts off with "In the Afterlife"

Background Music Can be found at . This is the official DLM MGM site.

Jet Set Satellite - Baby Cool Your Jets: The song for the video that George and Ronnie watched at her apartment.

Rammstein : Du Hast : Song that was playing in The Cook episode when George knocked on Masons door.